To view the history of edits made against a scan find the scan in the measurements page and use the dropdown menu    on the leftmost of the scan and select the View details option. Scroll down the page to view the scan’s edit history.

Scan edit history

The scan edit history lists all edits made to the scan even if the edits are later reverted. Loadscan support staff may also make edits on behalf of customers. Entries will appear for Loadscan users in the edit history with a Loadscan tag    next to the username to make this clear to customers.

Comparing changes to the original scan

Use the View original button at the top of the scan detail page to view the original state of the current scan as provided by the Loadscan scanner. To compare with the current edits open this page in a new window of the browser.


This option is not available for manual scans created in MyScanner which do not keep a record of their original state.

In this Article

To view the history of edits made against a scan find the scan in the measurements page and use the dropdown menu    on the leftmost of the scan and select the View details option. Scroll down the page to view the scan’s edit history.

Scan edit history

The scan edit history lists all edits made to the scan even if the edits are later reverted. Loadscan support staff may also make edits on behalf of customers. Entries will appear for Loadscan users in the edit history with a Loadscan tag    next to the username to make this clear to customers.

Comparing changes to the original scan

Use the View original button at the top of the scan detail page to view the original state of the current scan as provided by the Loadscan scanner. To compare with the current edits open this page in a new window of the browser.


This option is not available for manual scans created in MyScanner which do not keep a record of their original state.